[vc_row][vc_column][vc_images_carousel images=”37075,37076,37077,37078,37079,37080,37081,37082,37083,37084″ img_size=”full” hide_pagination_control=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Willmeng recently participated at the Arizona Fire District Association’s (AFDA) 2018 Winter Conference, a two-day conference and technology expo that better connects and improves Arizona’s fire-fighting districts across the state. This year’s event had the largest turnout that the conference has seen in a decade.
Willmeng enjoys involvement with AFDA events that provide resources to fire district staff, boards of directors and personnel. At these events, decision makers, leaders, and experts share best practices and lessons learned on subjects related to emergency service, operations, finances, human resources, liability, safety and more.
“These events help us understand how fire districts around the state work, and what issues are important to them,” said Keyvan Ghahreman, director of client and preconstruction services. “In many cases, fire districts cover response to regions of the state outside of Arizona’s larger metro areas, and understanding their needs gives us an idea of how we can better serve them.”
Jason Alvarado, a Willmeng project manager and fire training, fire station and CMAR expert, also attended the event. His 17-years of experience in the fire construction industry includes having built the largest fire station and training academy in Arizona. He has worked with Keith Sabia, Willmeng principal-in-charge, to build more than 16 fire stations throughout his career.
The AFDA was created in 1982 as the first organization to represent the interests of Arizona’s fire districts. Today, the AFDA has grown to include more than 150 general purpose fire districts which provide fire and emergency medical services to 1.5 million Arizonans. The organization is committed to the education and development of Arizona elected fire district officials, chiefs, and senior decision makers.
“Getting to know such fantastic people that are dedicated to serving Arizona communities is a huge privilege,” said Ghahreman.
In July 2017, Willmeng attended the annual Fire & EMS Leadership Conference at Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa. The event brought members of fire, healthcare and technology industries together for a week of ceremonies, training, workshops, hot-topic discussions, networking and expositions. Check out the blog![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]